Posted on by Tim Aguirre

MATLAB Grader Now Available in Canvas

Starting this Spring 2025 Semester, MATLAB Grader is now available in Canvas. MATLAB Grader is a browser-based authoring environment for creating and sharing MATLAB coding problems and assessments. With the Canvas integration you can create interactive course assignments, automatically grade student work and provide feedback, and run your assignments all from the easy to access Canvas interface.

You can follow the steps below to add a MATLAB Grader assignment to your course, or you can view this video from MATLAB.

  1. To access MATLAB Grader in Canvas, create an Assignment, and select “External Tool” as the submission type, and then click “Find”.
Web interface for selecting "External Tool" submission type with URL entry field.
  1. Scroll through the list of available tools and click “MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3”, then click “Select”
"Configure External Tool" dialogue box with a list of selectable tools, including the selected "MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3" option.
  1. Finish entering all the assignment details (Assignment Name, Description, Points, Due Date, etc.) and click “Save”, do not click Save and Publish as this option will give your students an error.
  1. Click on the “Load [your assignment name] in a new window”, to open the MATLAB Grader website. If prompted to login or create an account, use your CSUN email address.
Message instructing to load MATLAB in a new browser window
  1. On the MATLAB Grader website you can select a pre-existing problem or create a new one. Once your assignment is ready click on the “Copy” button
MATLAB interface section with instructions to evaluate expressions for a given value of x

  1. You will then see the problem with the following message: “The problem is saved as Final. It is now visible to learners when the course section is published. To edit this problem, click Set to Draft
  1. Go back to the Assignment in Canvas, click the “Edit Assignment Settings” button,
Button in MatLab Grader reading "Edit Assignment Settings" with a pencil icon
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the assignment and click “Save and Publish”

Want to learn more about using MATLAB Grader in Canvas for your course? Join us for a MATLAB Grader in Canvas workshop on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 1:00 pm on Zoom.

PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is specifically on how to use MATLAB Grader in Canvas. THIS IS NOT a MATLAB Grader workshop.

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