accessibility symbol the word accessible under it numbers 1 through 10 and a11y
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What Does a11y Mean?


“a11y” stands for “accessibility.” A numeronym is a number-based word with 11 for the number of letters between the letters a and y. A11y often appears on social media platforms like Twitter because space is limited and every character counts #a11y. It is always good practice to spell the word and any abbreviations or make a reference to your abbreviation when used for the first time.

What Exactly is Accessibility?

Accessibility ensures everyone can perceive, understand, engage, navigate, and interact with technology regardless of device, software, or product without barriers.  Accessibility is for everyone. Learn more about Accessibility and Universal Design.

Where to Start with Accessibility?

The Universal Design Center offers training, consulting, evaluations, and support. Want to learn more? Have questions? Need advice? Email UDC at or call 818.677.5898.

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