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Early Bird Accessibility

A few steps over the summer will mean a smoother start to the Fall semester for many of your students. Some possible ideas include:

  1. Submit textbook and other instructional materials orders at least 8 weeks before classes start. This helps students by giving them plenty of time to ensure they have access.
  2. Review any videos you’re be using for the accuracy of the captions. If you need assistance, contact NCOD and/or UDC.
  3. Check your syllabus for accessibility (in Ally, with Microsoft Office’s Accessibility Checker, etc.). An accessible syllabus gets everyone off to the right start.
  4. Housekeeping: Take down files that are no longer needed from Canvas and other platforms. Contact FTC to explore options if you’d like to archive some files.
  5. Make sure your images and links have descriptions; get more tips at Just One Thing – Descriptive Text.
  6. Peek at Ally for the rest of your course content and see if you have any other hot spots (red dials).
  7. Come to training! Take a look at our Training Videos and Resources page
  8. Schedule a consultation with UDC about any of the above. We’re here for you all summer!
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