Dean’s Scholar Danielle Snali
Posted on by Jose Diaz

2020 College of Humanities Dean’s Scholar Danielle Snali

Danielle Snali is the 2020 College of Humanities Dean’s Scholar. She is a Religious Studies major, with a Gender and Women’s Studies and History minor, and has accumulated a 3.98 GPA in her studies at CSUN. Danielle is an HSI Pathways/Mellon Student Fellow in the competitive Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Pathways to the Professoriate Program. Her research project for this program, “Women’s Clubs of the Greater San Fernando Valley, 1878 to the Present” utilized archival sources and conducted oral histories to extend existing literatures to explore the organizing efforts of women’s clubs in the greater San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. While at CSUN, Danielle also worked as a Supplemental Instructor for RS 100 (Introduction to Religious Studies), served as a New Student Orientation Leader, assisted with archiving materials in Special Collections at the library, served as a student representative for the New Faculty Orientation, and worked as a student assistant in the College of Humanities dean’s office. She has been accepted into four prestigious doctoral programs in American History. In the fall, she will begin a doctoral program in US History at SUNY Binghamton, where she received the highly competitive campus-wide Clifford D. Clark Diversity Fellowship. One of her recommenders had this to say about her work at CSUN: “Danielle is one of the hardest working students I have had the pleasure of working with, and it has been a joy to watch her intellectual development as a scholar.  Danielle is easy to mentor, curious, passionate about her research, thoughtful, and self-motivated … Her future in academia will no doubt be a credit to CSUN.”

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