Sal Esparza Headshot
Posted on by Summayah Waseem

Remembering Dr. Sal Esparza

Dear Health Sciences and CSUN Community,

It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we share the devastating news of the passing of our dear colleague and close friend, Dr. Sal Esparza. We are overcome with grief to inform you that he passed away from complications.

Sal was not just a colleague and friend, but also a pillar of the CSUN Health Administration program, and a steadfast member our community. He was planning to retire at the end of Spring 2024 and enjoy life with his family and friends. He brought so much positivity, dedication, and warmth to all he worked with. He will be remembered for his professionalism, kindness, and the countless ways he enriched our lives.

During this difficult time, let us come together to support each other and honor the memory of our beloved friend, and also cherish the fond memories we shared with him. He will forever hold a special place in our hearts and will be greatly missed.

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