CSUN Nursing Students Serve at 13th Annual Glendale Health Festival
At the 13th Annual Glendale Health Festival: Building a Healthier Community Together, volunteer health care professionals offer community members free health screenings, dental treatments and eye examinations. Last November 2nd, nineteen of CSUN A-BSN students took part in the event held at the Pacific Community Center in Glendale.
Running this free one-day clinic requires detailed planning, collaboration, and organization among partnering groups. CSUN Nursing faculty Zarmine Naccashian, who has been on the steering committee for events such as this for the past 30 years, said she serves because she values the importance of service learning while students are still in the classroom. “All of the students worked efficiently, demonstrating the true spirt of community service,” Naccashian said.

The day started with orientation and distribution of roles and assignments. Students assisted with traffic control, registration and consent form completion. They efficiently manned the triage station by taking vital signs and directing community members to the proper stations for service, and those in need of follow-up care were referred to community clinics. The leadership let the CSUN team know they observed and appreciated their proficiency with care delivery. Naccashian said the event also provides an opportunity to perform data collection for a research study she is working on with with Lucy Huckaby of CSU Long Beach.
Zarmine Naccashian with Jean O’Sullivan