Universal Design means design for everyone.
Posted on by Alen Davoudian

News Post UDC

First heading on the main post (H2)

this is a paragraph….. As part of our commitment to excellence through diversity and inclusion, California State University, Northridge (CSUN) strives to ensure that campus communication and information technology is accessible to everyone. The California State University system statement on accessibility is articulated in California State University – Executive Order 1111, in accordance with both federal and state laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act.1234

Captions for a video
Above is a linked image.

Unordered list of items

  • first item
  • second item
  • third item

Twitter post below:

This is the caption for Twitter post

At CSUN I developed the skills and passion for biomedical research… I am forever proud and thankful to a Matador Alumnus!

Malachia Y. Hoover ’17, M.S. Biology
This is the reddit caption
This is the caption for Vimeo Embed.


YouTube Video with Title Attribute

This is a quote from a writer.

John Doe
Test Block for Details Widget.

Inside the Details Widget.

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