Posted on by Melissa Soriano

38th Fall Field Frolic: A Frolic of Ice and Fire! (Photos)

The Fall Field Frolic this year was camped at June Lake, CA, with stops at the Owens River Gorge to see the Bishop Tuff, Convict Lake to see the moraines and examine the complex glacial history of the eastern Sierra Nevada, Panum Crater to climb into a volcano, and Bennettveille/Saddlebag Lake to get a close-up view of Paleozoic continental margin rocks that the Sierra Nevada batholith intruded into! Led by Dick Heermance and John Wiesenfeld with special expertise provided by Emeritus Professor and creator of the Field Frolic tradition: Dr. George Dunne! Thank you to all students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends who attended and made it such a fun trip.

Dr. Heermance in the foreground taking a group selfie of the 2021 FFF group at Shell Lake in Tioga Pass, CA.

A copy of the field guide for this trip can be found here.

Starting the trip off with a BANG! Chris Geozian poses with the championship tire tread that delaminated on the way to June Lake as Dick Heermance and John Wiesenfeld change the tire.
The 2021 FFF group in Owens River Gorge investigating the Bishop tuff.
Priscilla Martinez with the Bishop Tuff.
Dick Heermance explaining the relative and absolute dating methods for uncovering the complex history of glaciation in the eastern Sierra Nevada, atop a large boulder in a recessional moraine at Convict Lake, CA. 
A view of some of the group atop a recessional moraine with Convict Lake in the background.
Morning at June Lake camp! Folks eating breakfast and making lunches for another day out in the field.
Dr. George Dunne giving an early morning talk on the tectonic history of Western North America, and telling us what to expect on the day’s adventures!
A beautiful PANUM-RAMIC photo of Panum Crater’s ejecta ring surrounding the resurgent obsidian dome at its center. 
A group photo atop the ejecta ring at Panum Crater.
The group hikes across boulders of rhyolite, pumice, and obsidian in the resurgent dome at Panum Crater.
Grad Students Cali Trammel and Gillian Greenberg atop flow banded obsidian and pumice at Panum Crater.
Pima Heermance being blessed by the gods of obsidian.
The group hiking towards the abandoned silver mine and ghost town at Bennettville, CA, in Tioga Pass. 
The group explores the restored wooden structures at Bennettville, CA.
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