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UCS Family Affair

February 19 at 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

2025 Black History Month: African Americans & Labor

In celebration of National Black History Month, the University Counseling Services is sponsoring an event focused on self-care and mental health for students. We invite all department/program to stop by and to also share with your students. Students will be encouraged to attend so they can learn how to take advantage of our rich resources on and nearby campus.

Theme: Family Affair
Where: The Black House
Date: February 19th
Time: 10-2 p.m.

The event agenda, so far, will include:
1. 10am-11am: Welcoming Statement, Introductions and Beginning Tabling Event (Gathering of on-campus and off-campus resources)
2. 11-12pm Mental Health Workshop Session (Mastering Resilience and Self-Awareness Through Your Everyday Grind)
3. 12-1pm Lunch and Meet and Great, (gifts, raffle, giveaways, food)
4. 1-2pm Mental Health Workshop Session (The Grind Continues: How Psychology Has Attempted to Understand Black Labor)
5. 2-2:15pm Closing Statements

UCS Family Affair


February 19
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
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