We invite you and your unit to the final collaborative event of the Fall 2024 semester presented by Cultivating Local Knowledge, an initiative focused on the co-discovery of environmental resilience in our students and surrounding communities, featuring a wide array of practitioners and experts.
Join us for our very first Seed Swap event on Thursday, December 3rd, 11:30-1:30pm at the AS Sustainability Center.
During the Seed Swap attendees will be able to swap seeds and tips and stories connected to them while meeting other like-minded individuals. If you don’t have seeds to swap, you should still join us as we build community with other individual and organizations on campus, as well as some folks joining us from the community.

If you have a lot of seeds to share, the Institute of Sustainability’s seed library can take them. We will have seedlings and seed packets to giveaway. There will also be a CLK raffle! We also post our events on Instagram @cultivatinglocalknowledge if you want to follow us there. Please register by 11.26.2024 for updates and to help us prepare for the event!