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Navigating the Black Job: Embracing Blackness in Corporate America

February 19 at 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

2025 Black History Month: African Americans & Labor

This event is an engineering panel that will consist of 1-2 Moderators & 7 Panelists. Each of the panelists will consist of a diverse set of Black professionals within the engineering field, focusing on their journey to become an engineer. The moderator will ask the engineers several insightful open-ended questions that pertain to each panelist’s diverse identity (non-American, LGBTQIA+, varying gender identities, people with disabilities, etc) including their Black one, and how it impacted/hindered their path. What things would they have done differently? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. No matter how high of a position you are in any field, your social identity will still affect how you are treated and many people don’t go into the specifics of that. We’re aiming on a deep dive on the highs, the lows, and the list goes on. 


The goal of this Engineering panel is to connect and help our members gain insight as to how they should navigate throughout their life as a human being that’s not just Black but also in engineering, and throughout all their stages of life. We hope that our members are able to gain motivation and continue down this rigorous path after viewing others like themselves in their jobs and fields. An aspect of hearing back from the members will also be incorporated, similar to an open ground discussion where everyone in the room can learn from each other, whether they are a student or an engineering professional.


February 19
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
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Thousand Oaks Room, Southwest Addition, University Student Union
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8272 United States
(818) 677-2251
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